A successful designer creates images and layouts that will impress the viewer, inspire them, spur them to action, or even cause discomfort. The designer’s choices determine the viewer’s response. Of course, such creativity requires right-brain inspiration.

However, the designer’s work should amplify the client’s message, not distract from it. For example, splashy graphics may perfectly showcase a city loft development, but they would seem jarring in a nonprofit’s annual report.

I balance right-brain inspiration with left-brain analysis. Life experience informs my work. I design visuals with each client’s image, audience, and message in mind, to create a cohesive brand identity.

—Susan Klein-Shelton

About Me

During my career as an art director and designer, I have embraced the transition from print to digital media. Print layouts must meet technical specifications to streamline the printing process, and digital designs must flow seamlessly in a variety of browsers and screen sizes. I ensure that each client’s mix of print and digital content supports a consistent message.

In 2008, seeking to build strong relationships with long-term clients, I formed Klein-Shelton Creative. Although I am based in Missouri, my clients and their audiences span the nation.

When I’m not busy with professional matters, I enjoy wildflower gardening, knitting, and spending time with my husband and daughter. We share our home with two comical parrots.

My Work

My past projects include branding, print collateral, publications, annual reports, direct mail, and websites. Each image below links to a specific project category.


When you’re choosing a designer for a new project, communication is key. During our first conversation, in person or by phone, we will take time to build rapport and discuss the primary mission of your organization.

Next, we will consider your goals, your budget, the intended audience, and your expectations. Does your organization need a new brand identity? Website design? Print collateral? Are you developing a fundraising campaign or publishing an annual report? We might discuss strategies you hadn’t considered, such as direct mail, eblast support, or Informed Delivery® marketing through the USPS.

Together, we will develop a plan of action and a timetable. I will collaborate with writers, photographers, printers, and other professionals as necessary to see your project through to completion.


“I’ve had the pleasure of working closely with Susan for over 10 years. With very little direction, she has an amazing ability to provide creative that hits the mark while prioritizing the organization’s branding. She literally takes what I’m seeing in my head and makes it look fantastic—so much better than I could have imagined—making the creative process easy and painless.”


“I have been a client of Susan Klein-Shelton for more than 20 years. Not only is she a very talented designer, she has always had a firm grasp on my needs as a marketer and communicator in corporate and nonprofit settings. Her ability to approach a project with both right- and left-brain thinking makes her an invaluable collaborator.”


“Having seen oodles of Susan’s work over the years, I give my unreserved endorsement for her expertise in creating a superior presentation of words and images. ‘Having a good eye’ is one thing. Understanding a client’s audience and being able to translate their mission and message effectively is what’s really key. Susan’s work reflects the whole package, with every element always spot on.”



For more information or to discuss the possibilities, please contact me at your convenience.
Susan Klein-Shelton
Klein-Shelton Creative